Five Things That You Must Buy From London

Five Things That You Must Buy From London

Planning to visit London? Then why not make it more special and remarkable! The capital of the United Kingdom has its own charm. It is a famous historic destination and a global hub of business and commerce. Furthermore, some top International Universities are situated here, making it the largest destination for advanced education. So whatever your reason for visiting London, we recommend collecting more memories by every possible means. From capturing pictures to taking videos, we suggest taking a piece of London along with you when you return. But how?? Wait, we are going to help you with this.


Every place has its specialty, like famous structures, architecture, food, culture, etc. Similarly, London can offer you some breathtaking experiences and beautiful memories. So here we will discuss five famous souvenirs you can only find on your way to London. Add this to your shopping list to take London back home with you, so that years later, these souvenirs can stay with you as beautiful memories. Let's get started.


British Tea


Tea is not considered a beverage but an emotion for Londoners. You can get a variety like single origin, imported teas, blended flavors, traditional teas, traditional infusions, and rare collections. If you are a tea lover, you must try Fortnum & Mason's tea by visiting their London store apart from visiting tea rooms. Situated a stone's throw distance from Piccadilly Circus, the shop is especially noted for a beautiful traditional clock that chimes every 15 minutes and again on the hour; furthermore, the rich decor of the shop's interior is astonishing.


Sipping a cup of tea in Fortnum & Mason in the afternoon is one of the 'must-do' things in the city if tea is your first love. But if you are running short, pick up a selection of their teas from the department store and take them home with you.


Hat Form Lock & Co,


Lock & Co. is one of the oldest establishments in London and was formed in 1676. It is not only the oldest in London but also in the world. Shopping from here is just like a time capsule. So collect the history by taking a hat from here.


Some of the best personalities in history have visited here and ordered their hats, such as Lord Nelson ordered his signature hat, whereas Oscar Wilde bought a Fedora. Even Winston Churchill purchased a Lock hat from here and wore it on his wedding day, and Charlie Chaplin himself used to buy hats from here. They also are the creator of the bowler hat in the year 1849


Umbrella From James Smith & Son


James Smith & Sons is a beautiful and quirky shop that only sells umbrellas and walking sticks. It is located near Tottenham Court Road and Holborn tube stations. It has a rich history. The shop was first opened in 1830, during the Victorian era. It was the only original Victorian shop front that remains largely untouched!


We all are aware of erratic British weather, which is very unpredictable, so it's hardly surprising that there can be a shop that is only dedicated to umbrellas. But let us tell you that they make most of their umbrellas in the workshop below ground level. So if you are in a city of history and heritage, this place is a must-visit.


Scarf From Liberty London


London's most reputed departmental store is Liberty, located near Oxford Circus. The store is famous for its stunning interior. It is best noted for prints and fabrics. So once in London, it is suggested to give it a visit for once and purchase anything like it can be a scarf of unique design and print. 


Monmouth Coffee


If you are a coffee lover, this place is a must-visit. People who love coffee will find some of the best variety at Monmouth Coffee Company. People worldwide have loved the flavor and taste of coffee served here. You can take coffee for yourself or gifting purposes for your friends and family.


The Conclusion


Hope we have succeeded in our effort to offer good information regarding your shopping list. So what are you waiting for? Add these to your shopping list and prepare for your upcoming London trip. You can buy many more things, but remember London is not cheap, neither is shopping here. So better to cut down the expensive accommodation cost by choosing a holiday rental home in London and using that money for shopping.


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